Father's Day: Take A Dad Fishing

Nate Fathers Day

Being a father, it’s a peculiar mix of roles. The roles you’ve been handed and the roles you choose for yourself. On one hand, you’re the invincible superhero, capable of fixing tangled rods, tussling with grizzlies, and pulling trout from any stream this side of the Mississippi. On the other hand, you’re an imperfect human being, dealing with fears and failures, sometimes not knowing to use worms or salmon eggs. It’s a juggling act, keeping the appearance of being able to do anything while also battling with the very real probability of striking out.

That’s where the story Nate shares of his father pulling him out of school tugs at the heart strings. It’s not a tale of instantaneous success, not a chest pounding this was easy deal. No, it’s a yarn spun around two green, unskilled, aspiring anglers sharing a mess of skunks, learning from their mistakes while also learning from each other.

Mark, like any father worth his salt, wasn’t daunted by the harsh realities of fishing failure. He didn’t pack up his tackle box and give in to the hands of defeat after a few fruitless fishing trips. Instead, he soldiered on, taking young Nate along on a journey of patience, resilience, and of course good old fashion father and son bonding.

Nate, in turn, didn’t shy away from challenges, or pout in the shadows of their struggles. He embraced the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to connect with his dad. While their bond was strengthening, Nate began forming his never say die attitude. The show me a mountain and I’ll find a way to climb it resilience he witnessed first-hand from his father.

The day Mark pulled Nate out of school adorning those iconic Powerbait covered coveralls was a celebration of angling success that can’t be fully enjoyed alone. Mark wasn’t picking up his son he was picking up his fishing buddy who’d endured the countless fishless hours on the water and ice that had been building up to the triumphant moment of rod bending success. 

Without the struggle and modeling his father’s never say quit attitude maybe Nate never develops the passion he has for the outdoors, relentlessness, and I can do it attitude that’s so apparent to anyone who meets him. All these wonderful attributes weren’t passed down after one great fishing trip, they were learning through countless tough fishing trips.

As we approach Father’s Day, let’s take a moment to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned from the special men in our lives. In Mark and Nate’s story, we learn about resilience and the bonding power of shared moments. It’s not about being a superhero who catches fish every cast. It’s about standing shoulder to shoulder with your son, on your favorite lake, lines in the water, hopeful and patient, sharing the frustration and the struggle. And, when angling success finally comes, it tastes even sweeter for the shared journey that led to it.

We often see folks clamor to take a kid fishing. While that’s always a good idea, remember this Father’s Day to skip the socks, novelty tie, or multi-tool, and take your dad fishing.


To see Nate's entire interview click here. 




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