Getting Started with CRYO: Reel Attachment


Congrats on taking your ice fishing game to the next level by Purchasing a CRYO ice rod! Don’t worry if you’re new to the Tennessee style handle and confused on how to attach your reel. Eagle Claw’s own Wandee Kirkland is going to walk you through how to attach your reel with Eagle Claw’s Silicone Rod Tape to your CRYO rod.

Step 1: Take your Silicone Tape and find the end of it and peel back a strip of it.

*Remember you don't need a lot the tape is very stretchy.

Step 2: Look at the rod and determine where you want to place the reel. To keep from guessing where the guides are we've plated arrows indicating reel foot placement. Once you have the arrow placement you can move your reel up or down to your preference.

Step 3: Place your reel where you want it on the handle

Step 4: Peel back the backing from your tape and start wrapping the tape around the front foot and around the handle. 

*The Eagle Claw Silicone Tape isn't sticky like electrical tape. If you need to back up a bit to re-wrap no worries. There won't be any messy residue and it won't change how well the tape sticks to itself.

Step 5: Now that the front foot of the reel is secure to the handle. You're ready to start securing the bottom reel foot exactly like you did the top, but with the top anchoring the reel the bottom will be much easier.

*Tennessee style handles reduce weight, they also give you freedom to mount your reel where you feel it best balances out the combo. While we’ve provided arrows aligning perfectly with the eyelet don’t feel like that’s the only placement for your reel.

Expand Your CRYO Arsenal: Click Here to Check Out Our Full Line of CRYO Ice Rods and Reels! 



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