Stuck at Home? Pour Your Own Fish Magnet


It's the time of year when the itch to get out on open water can be almost unbearable. Still, many of us are stuck at home. So what's an avid angler to do when that fishing is on the brain but there's no way to satisfy the urge?

Pour Your Own Jig or Spinner Bait

Pouring your own jig/lure is a great way to become intimately acquainted with your tackle and the fish you're chasing. Investing time and energy into creating the perfect jig or lure provides the opportunity to customize your tackle to a specific body of water, your technique, or the preferences of fish on your home lake that you've learned through trial and error over time. It gives you the opportunity to create something the market may not offer, and that can land more fish when the time comes. Catching a personal best on a jig or lure you've created yourself brings a satisfaction that's hard to beat. In addition, it often affords you the opportunity to craft something better than you can find on a store shelf.

Do-It Molds offers a variety of options for creating your ideal tackle, and we've got you covered with elite grade, American Made hooks. The L570VP and TK570VP offer premium hook points, and the unique Pro-V bend which holds baits in place and aids in fish retention once hooked. Pouring your own affords the opportunity to add superior hooks to formats not currently widely found on the market. Other hook options include the TK608, the TK800, TK805, and TK810. American made hooks superior to the standard hooks on most jigs plus features customized to your preferences? Sounds like a winning combination.

***Images courtesy our friends at Do-It Molds








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