What Flippin' Hook Do I Need?

Deciding what Flippin’ hook you need doesn’t have to be rocket science.

JT Kenney Holding up a giant bass he caught flippin in Florida

Understanding Flippin' hooks is simple, but first you need to understand flippin' hook essentials, and from there you can fine tune based on your specific needs.

Essential Features of Flippin’ Hooks

This image shows all the features anglers need to look for in a flippin hook

Construction: A Flippin’ hook worth its salt must be constructed from high-carbon steel wire that’s treated to enhance strength. This gives you a hook capable of yanking big fish out of heavy cover.

Eye Design: You need a welded eye to keep your line from slipping or getting nicked by an open section of a normal ringed eye hook.

Keeper Efficiency: The keeper should be robust, capable of holding soft plastics securely as they punch, dive, and crawl through the dense cover where giant bass reside.

Hook Point Sharpness: The most critical feature is having the sharpest hook point possible, allowing for consistent penetration past the barb on hook sets.


Trokar Flippin’ Hooks

The good news is all of our Trokar Flippin’ Hooks check all the boxes on things you need out of a Flippin’ hook. If you want to further fine-tune your gear, let’s discuss the specifics of our three different models to get you even more dialed in.


Mark Zona holds up a big largemouth he caught flippinTK130 Flippin' Hook: The staple, top dead center of Flippin’.

☑️ For most anglers the TK130 is your Flippin' hook

TK 130 Flippin' Hook

TK133 Pro-V Flippin' Hook: Enhance your Flippin’ arsenal with Pro-V, which elevates your bite-to-hook-up ratio.

☑️ If you love Flippin' compact baits and love the Pro-V Bend this is your flippin' hook.

TK 133 Pro-V Flippin' Hook

TK135 Monster Flippin' Hook: If you need “pull your truck out of the mud strength,” the TK35 is The HOOK!

☑️ Biggest Bass, thickest cover, think double digits in Florida and Texas.

Trokar TK135 Flippin' Hook


Selecting the right Flippin’ Hook sets you up to capitalize on the opportunities you work so hard for. Be ready when the kicker you need or your new personal best hits, and pin them with Trokar!


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